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A Weight Loss Journey Shared on Reddit: F/21/5'4" Went From 140Lbs to 125Lbs

Read about the weight loss journey of a Reddit user, Littlemissmiss, who went from 140lbs to 125lbs by mostly eating healthier. She also added some simple exercises to her routine.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'4" woman showing a fat loss from 140 pounds to 125 pounds. A net loss of 15 pounds.
F/21/5'4" 140lbs>125lbs=15lbs. 5 more to go!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Littlemissmiss, a Reddit user, shared her weight loss journey on the platform. She went from 140lbs to 125lbs, losing a total of 15lbs. She also shared how she achieved her weight loss goals.

Focus on Eating Healthier

Littlemissmiss said that she mostly achieved her weight loss goals by eating healthier. She cut down on red meats and white bread, and focused on eating more fruits, vegetables, and lean meats. She also had a breakfast bar, a salad with oil/vinegar dressing, and a cheese stick for lunch. She did not plan her meals too much, but she made healthier choices.

Adding Simple Exercises

Littlemissmiss added a few simple exercises, such as squats, crunches, and push-ups, to her routine. However, she admitted that she was not good at sticking to her exercise routine. Nonetheless, she still managed to lose 15lbs by focusing on her diet.

Inspiring Others

Littlemissmiss inspired other Reddit users, such as Chasethehorror and canikeepit, with her weight loss journey. She also received positive comments and encouragement from the community. Her journey showed that it is possible to achieve weight loss goals by making small changes to one's diet and lifestyle.


Littlemissmiss showed that achieving weight loss goals is possible by making small changes to one's diet and routine. She went from 140lbs to 125lbs by mostly eating healthier and adding simple exercises. Her journey inspired others and showed the power of making small changes. It is important to note that everyone's body is different, and what works for one person may not work for another. Therefore, it is recommended that individuals consult their doctor or a qualified healthcare professional before making significant changes to their diet or exercise routine.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.