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Lifting Heavy and Eating Right Helped Her Lose 45 Pounds in 11.5 Months: One User's Inspiring Journey

Read about a Reddit user's journey to lose 45 pounds by lifting heavy and eating appropriate quantities of food. Her never-ending quest for self-improvement will inspire you to achieve the same!

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'5" woman showing a fat loss from 191 pounds to 146 pounds. A total loss of 45 pounds.
F/26/5'5'' [191lbs > 146lbs = 45lbs] (11.5 months) Been doing IIFYM and lifting heavy.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Steph0, a 26-year-old Asian woman, shares her weight loss journey with the Reddit community. She takes inspiration from Benjamin Franklin's quote, "Energy and persistence conquer all things" and emphasizes the importance of lifting heavy and eating appropriately.

The Role of Fitness Regime

Steph0 believes that without a regular fitness regimen, the best diet will not be effective. She began her weight loss journey with the Starting Strength program, which focuses on squats, bench press, deadlift, and overhead press - a routine she still follows over a year later. According to Steph0, strength training is beneficial as it helps gain muscle mass, speeds up metabolism, and promotes a positive body image.

Macros Matter

Steph0 followed a diet based on the "If It Fits Your Macros (IIFYM)" principle, allowing her to eat anything as per the prescribed macronutrient ratio of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.. Her advice to others is to get a food scale and weigh the food to avoid overeating, and to be conscious of portion sizes. Steph0 says that consistency is key, keeping the macronutrient ratio in check while being flexible with the diet helps achieve a balanced and sustainable lifestyle.

The Importance of Setting Goals

Steph0 encourages others to strive for self-improvement by setting realistic goals and to enjoy the journey. She says there is no endpoint to the weight loss journey as new goals appear with every checkpoint. Steph0 finds motivation in the smallest of things, including hitting a new set of personal records or feeling good in her own skin. She encourages others to discover motivation from within and find their path to a holistic healthy lifestyle.


Steph0's journey is a testament to the power of lifting heavy combined with healthy eating, helping her achieve her goal of losing 45 pounds. She encourages others to maintain fitness regimes and focus on a balanced lifestyle. Steph0 believes that by embracing a well-rounded and sustainable fitness lifestyle, anyone can reach their weight loss goals as she has done.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.