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M/17/6': One User's 3 Month Journey to Lose 35Lbs and Gain Confidence

Read about mychemicalwholock's weight loss journey, from 235lbs to 200lbs in 3 months, and how it's helped boost his self-esteem

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 6'0" male showing a weight loss from 235 pounds to 200 pounds. A total loss of 35 pounds.
M/17/6' [235lbs > 200lbs = 35lbs] (3 Months) Finally feeling great about myself
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


For many young adults, losing weight can be a difficult undertaking. mychemicalwholock, a 17-year-old male standing 6 feet tall, was no different. However, with a commitment to his health and well-being, he was able to shed 35lbs in just three months.

Motivation and Method

mychemicalwholock realized he needed to make a change, not just for his physical health, but for his mental and emotional wellbeing. Cutting back on calories, participating in cardio exercises and weightlifting, and tracking his progress with daily check-ins held him accountable and helped sustain his motivation.

The Effects of Weight Loss

As mychemicalwholock shed pounds, he noticed a significant improvement in his overall well-being. He now reports feeling more energized and capable, and his newfound confidence has enabled him to tackle other areas of his life with increased determination.

Advice for Others

While everyone's weight loss journey is unique, there are a few key takeaways to keep in mind. Remember that it's a gradual process, don't get discouraged by setbacks, and take time to celebrate milestones along the way. Most of all, it's essential to prioritize your health and well-being above all else.


mychemicalwholock's story is a reminder that weight loss is about more than just numbers on a scale; it's an investment in one's self. With hard work and dedication, anyone can achieve their goals and improve their overall quality of life.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.