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F/20 Shares Her Weight Loss Journey: From 220Lbs to 180Lbs in 8 Months

Follow the inspiring journey of a reddit user who lost 40lbs in 8 months. Read on to discover the secrets to her success.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'5" woman showing a weight cut from 220 pounds to 180 pounds. A total loss of 40 pounds.
A photo of a 5'5" woman showing a weight cut from 220 pounds to 180 pounds. A total loss of 40 pounds.
A photo of a 5'5" woman showing a weight cut from 220 pounds to 180 pounds. A total loss of 40 pounds.
A photo of a 5'5" woman showing a weight cut from 220 pounds to 180 pounds. A total loss of 40 pounds.
A photo of a 5'5" woman showing a weight cut from 220 pounds to 180 pounds. A total loss of 40 pounds.
F/20/5'5[220>180 = 40 lbs] (8 months) so i was going through some of my old face book pictures... this is me before and after... i could cry.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

The Journey Begins

At 220lbs, the 20-year-old female reddit user finally decided to embark on her weight loss journey. She took control of her diet, cutting out processed foods and sugary drinks. She also started to incorporate more whole foods, such as fruits and vegetables, into her diet.

The Power of Exercise

As she began to see progress on the scale, she decided to add in exercise to accelerate her weight loss journey. She started with walking and gradually increased her intensity and duration. She also incorporated weight training to build lean muscle mass, which in turn helped her to burn more calories throughout the day.

Mindset is Key

Despite facing setbacks and plateaus, the reddit user remained committed to her journey. She kept a positive attitude and used her progress pictures as a source of motivation. She also focused on non-scale victories, such as feeling more energized and confident in her own skin.

The Results

After 8 months of hard work and dedication, the user successfully lost 40lbs and reached her goal weight of 180lbs. Her before and after pictures, posted on reddit, were met with over 400 upvotes, inspiring others to start their own journey. She continues to maintain her healthy habits and encourages others to never give up on their own goals.


This inspiring weight loss journey highlights the importance of a balanced diet, exercise, and a positive mindset. While everyone's journey may look different, these key principles can be applied to any weight loss goal. It's never too late to start making changes and taking small steps towards a healthier and happier life.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.