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From 200 to 130Lbs: a Woman's Journey to Achieve Her Healthy Body

Read twelvedayslate's incredible weight loss journey from 200lbs to 130lbs and how she maintains it for 2.5 years.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'4" female showing a weight loss from 200 pounds to 130 pounds. A respectable loss of 70 pounds.
F/26/5'4" [200 lbs > 130 pounds = 70 pounds] (6 months) Three years ago, I decided to get healthy. I will run my first full in less than a month. I've been maintaining for 2.5 years and I've never been so proud.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


A woman who used to weigh 200lbs shared her 70-pound weight loss journey on Reddit, inspiring thousands of people who want to get healthy. In just six months, her diligent work paid off after achieving her weight goal, and she has been maintaining her healthy body for over two years. She also shares some tips on how to maintain a healthy weight.

Nutrition is the Key

The woman emphasized that for her, nutrition is the biggest piece of weight loss. She tracked every single thing that went into her mouth for two months, even the smallest bites, and didn't allow herself any cheat days during this period. Her goal was to retrain her mind and how she thinks about food, and this proved successful as she learned portion control and to trust herself with certain foods. She now practices moderation and understands that food is meant to be enjoyed but not taken to excess.

Exercise and Learning to Not Care

Aside from watching her diet, she moved more and exercised regularly. Despite feeling self-conscious at the gym at first, she grew to realize that nobody else is focusing on her workouts, and everyone else is too busy with their own. In her opinion, it's important to stop caring about what other people think when it comes to weight loss goals.

Maintenance is Tougher Than Losing the Weight

The woman admitted that keeping the weight off is more challenging than losing it. She has faced many fluctuations, but she perseveres and works constantly to maintain her healthy body. Her advice is not to fall into the trap of thinking that weight loss is a one-time event, and one should continue working hard to stay healthy. While most days are good, she still experiences bad days; however, the joy of maintaining a healthy body outweighs the tricky parts.


The woman's weight loss journey serves as an inspiration to many. Though her loose skin is a battle wound from her weight loss, she embraces it as she understands it's better than the 70 pounds of excess weight she used to carry. She encourages people to focus on the journey rather than the destination since perseverance is the key to maintaining a healthy body. Indeed, her journey shows that with constant effort, anyone can achieve their weight loss dreams and enjoy the many benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.