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23 Year Old's Steady Weight Loss Journey Yields Positive Body Image Results

F/23/5'3" user details from her Reddit thread how her slow but steady progress towards her ideal weight has given her newfound confidence in her own body.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'3" female showing a snapshot of 165 pounds at a height of 5'3
F/23/5'3" 165ish-148 Progress has been hellishly slow but steady. I hardly recognize my own body in the mirror, and I like it.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


A 23-year-old Reddit user with the handle JobeiWanKenobi has shared how step-by-step weight loss has boosted her self-esteem through a thread post. She began the post by saying progress had been slow but steady and, despite this stumbling block, she was committed to achieving her ideal weight.

Shrinking waistline

The user's waistline had crept down, according to one of the post comments. A fellow user told JobeiWanKenobi that her waist was even better now, and the Reddit user credited her confidence level with her slimmer waistline. The user's nickname suggested that she was a fan of Star Wars, so, for obvious reasons, achieving her goal one step at a time must have made her plucky like Jedi/solitary hermit Obi-Wan Kenobi. Her post and progress updates inspired scores of users on Reddit who have greeted her with unbridled positivity.

More body positivity, less disdain

The user also shared in her post that she hardly recognized her body, adding that she actually liked what she saw in the mirror. This positive mindset change was a big win for the user as she previously disliked how she looked. She received comments from many Reddit users congratulating her on making a healthy change and expressing their hopes that she would feel amazing with her new look.

Encouragement to take one step at a time

JobeiWanKenobi's journey showed how progress can come slow but steady when one is determined to reach the goal. This case was a lesson in perseverance and possibly an inspiration to others struggling with their weight loss journey. For those looking to achieve healthier weights, it's essential to recognize progress no matter how big or small and maintain a positive outlook on body image. The takeaway from this post is to be kind to oneself and celebrate every achievement, no matter how small.


In conclusion, the Reddit user JobeiWanKenobi's weight loss journey serves as an inspiration to anyone struggling with achieving their desired weight. Her post shows that taking one step at a time, albeit slowly but steadily, is an effective means of achieving weight loss goals. Furthermore, her newfound confidence from her healthier body tremendously impacted her overall life outlook. In the end, it's never too late to start a healthy lifestyle, and it's essential to recognize progress even at a snail's pace.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.