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F/38/5'4" 209>152 One Year Later, the Pants That Started It All!

Read inspiring Reddit user journey to weight loss, from being 209lbs to 152lbs. Get motivated by small successes along the way, with MFP calorie counting and thrift shopping.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'4" female showing a weight cut from 209 pounds to 152 pounds. A net loss of 57 pounds.
A before and after photo of a 5'4" female showing a weight cut from 209 pounds to 152 pounds. A net loss of 57 pounds.
(F/38/5'4") 209>152 One year later, the pants that started it all!
Originally posted on /r/loseit


Many of us struggle with weight loss, and it can be difficult to stay motivated through the ups and downs. However, one Reddit user has shared her inspiring journey of going from 209lbs to 152lbs in just one year. Using her original post as a reference, here's what we can learn from her success.

Small Goals Are Key

Setting small goals along the way can be a great strategy for achieving long term weight loss success. This Reddit user chose to set small 5-10 pound goals for herself, celebrating each success along the way. This approach can make the overall goal seem more attainable, and help you stay motivated throughout your journey.

Calorie Counting Works

One of the keys to this Reddit user's success was using the MyFitnessPal calorie counting app. She found it helped her keep track of what she was eating, and planned out her meals for the day each morning. By sticking to around 1,500 calories a day, and using exercise as extra motivation, she was able to achieve her weight loss goals.

Thrift Shopping is Cheaper, and More Fun!

As she lost weight, this Reddit user became an expert thrift store shopper. She found that shopping second-hand was a great way to save money on clothes as her body changed. Plus, it was a fun way to celebrate her weight loss success with new items that fit her much smaller frame!


This Reddit user's journey shows that success is possible with small goals, calorie counting, and a little thriftiness! Don't be discouraged by setbacks, but rather celebrate small successes along the way. Try these approaches for yourself and adapt them as necessary to find a strategy that works best for you.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.