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A Two Year Journey of Losing 12 Pounds and Building Strength

Read about itisonlymidnight's weight loss and strength-building journey over two years, maintaining a 12-pound loss and building strength.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'3" female showing a weight loss from 130 pounds to 118 pounds. A total loss of 12 pounds.
f/24/5'3" [130 lbs > 118 lbs = 12 lbs] (2+ years) Keeping the weight off & building.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Losing weight and building strength is a challenging journey. It requires dedication, patience, and sheer willpower. One reddit user, itisonlymidnight, has shared her experience on the platform. She is a 24-year-old female, 5'3", who has undergone a two-year journey. Itisonlymidnight has lost 12 pounds and maintained her weight loss while focusing on strength-building.

The Start of the Journey

Itisonlymidnight started her journey at 130 pounds. To lose weight, she adopted a healthy lifestyle. She began eating clean and cut down on processed foods. Itisonlymidnight also incorporated physical activities into her routine, such as running and Pilates. Through this routine, she lost 12 pounds and weighed 118 pounds.

Maintaining the Weight Loss

After losing 12 pounds, itisonlymidnight had to maintain her weight loss. The key to her success was to keep up her healthy lifestyle. She continued to eat clean and exercise regularly. Additionally, itisonlymidnight set achievable goals for herself. She would track her progress through photographs and celebrate her milestones.

Building Strength

Along with maintaining her weight, itisonlymidnight started building strength. She lifted weights and focused on building her core muscles. This helped her achieve her goal of having a toned body. Building strength also boosted her confidence and motivation.


Itisonlymidnight's journey is an inspiration to those who are looking to lose weight and build strength. Her healthy lifestyle choices and dedication have helped her maintain a 12-pound weight loss and build strength over two years. However, it's important to remember that everyone's body and journey is different. Itisonlymidnight's journey may not work for everyone, but it's important to try different things and figure out what works for your body.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.