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M/20/5'2" Lost 14 Pounds in 3 Weeks a Stunning Journey

Read about kareem_brulee, who lost 14 pounds in 3 weeks without a gym membership. Learn how they did it through a healthy routine.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'2" female showing a fat loss from 146 pounds to 132 pounds. A respectable loss of 14 pounds.
A before and after photo of a 5'2" female showing a fat loss from 146 pounds to 132 pounds. A respectable loss of 14 pounds.
A before and after photo of a 5'2" female showing a fat loss from 146 pounds to 132 pounds. A respectable loss of 14 pounds.
A before and after photo of a 5'2" female showing a fat loss from 146 pounds to 132 pounds. A respectable loss of 14 pounds.
F/20/5'2" (146 --> 132 = 14 pounds lost) in THREE WEEKS. I'm so proud of myself but I have yet to reach my goal weight!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

The Beginning of the Journey

Kareem_brulee lost 14 pounds in three weeks, showing how a healthy lifestyle can provide quick weight loss results. The user's before and after pictures evidenced the impressive results, which garnered attention from fellow Reddit users.

How Kareem_brulee Lost the Weight

Kareem_brulee attributed the weight loss to drinking 2 liters of water a day, stopping daily white rice and white bread consumption, and quitting soda and juices. The user started an exercise regimen such as jumping rope, dancing to YouTube videos, brisk walking with a waist trainer, and core- strengthening exercises such as planks, push-ups, and crunches.

Healthy Lifestyle

Results showed not just weight loss, but also overall health improvement. Kareem_brulee's routine worked for their particular body type and composition, which shows how a healthy lifestyle plan should be tailored to the individual, rather than just following fads or trends.

Do What Works for You

Kareem_brulee's journey is not universal, and some users experienced faster or slower weight loss than others. It’s essential to remember that every body is different and reacts to foods and exercises differently.


Kareem_brulee's journey serves as a reminder that losing weight takes time and patience. It's about finding what works for your body, building healthy habits, and sticking with them. If you want to pursue a healthier lifestyle, try different routines and see what works for you. Remember to keep things balanced, and don't deprive yourself of the foods you love. Perseverance will yield results akin to kareem_brulee's.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.