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M/45/5'8"(225Lbs >185Lbs) Weight Journey Hydrostatic Test Results!

Read about Bobofette's weight journey from 225lbs to 185lbs in 171 days. Learn how he achieved 19.3% body fat with hydrostatic test results and his goal of reaching 15%.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'8" man showing a fat loss from 225 pounds to 185 pounds. A respectable loss of 40 pounds.
M/45/5'8"(225lbs->185lbs) in 171 days. 19.3% BF by hydrostatic test, going for 15%.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Bobofette's weight loss journey is a remarkable example of how hard work and dedication can yield great results. He managed to lose 40 pounds in just 171 days, reaching an impressive body fat percentage of 19.3%. His progress can be followed through his Reddit post, which is filled with insightful comments and remarks from other users.

The Journey

Bobofette combined a strict diet with exercising regularly to achieve his goals. He describes his diet as a mix of intermittent fasting, calorie restriction and a high protein, low carb approach. He also started exercising regularly, focusing mainly on weightlifting and cardio. His hard work paid off, and he managed to lose 40 pounds in less than 6 months.

Hydrostatic Test Results

Bobofette went for a hydrostatic test, which measures a person's body composition through underwater weighing. The results showed that he had a body fat percentage of 19.3%, which is considered average for his age group. Bobofette is not satisfied, and his ultimate goal is to reach a body fat percentage of 15%.


Bobofette's journey is an inspiration for anyone looking to lose weight and improve their health. His simple approach of diet and exercise has worked wonders for him, and can be replicated by anyone willing to put in the effort. Bobofette's progress and journey can encourage anyone looking to improve themselves.


Bobofette's weight loss journey is a success story worth sharing. It showcases how a proper diet and exercise routine can yield remarkable results. His use of a hydrostatic test to track his progress is a reminder of the importance of measuring one's journey. Bobofette's progress should inspire anyone looking to take that first step towards a healthier lifestyle.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.