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Healthy Weight Loss Journey of Males in 2 Years: From 190 to 170Lbs

Read the weight loss journey of a male who went from 190lbs to 170lbs in 2 years through healthy methods.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 6'1" male showing a weight loss from 190 pounds to 170 pounds. A total loss of 20 pounds.
M/24/6'1" [190 - 170 = 20lbs] (2 years) First pic to second was about a year and it was unhealthy and extreme calorie restriction and brought weight down to 160. Second pic to third pic was after getting nutrition in check and going up to 170.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Losing weight can be a challenging journey, but it becomes more difficult when it comes to sticking to a healthy routine. A Reddit user going by the name of [deleted] shares their weight loss journey from 190lbs to 170lbs in two years. The user lost the weight through unhealthy measures at first but was able to adapt to a healthy routine that helped them achieve their goals effectively.

The Beginning

The user shared that their first attempt at weight loss was unhealthy, which led to extreme calorie restriction that brought their weight down to 160lbs in a year. Calorie restriction can have detrimental effects on the body if done so excessively. It can lead to nutritional deficiencies, slower metabolism, and dehydration. However, the user later realized the dangers of such measures and became more mindful of the food they ate and the nutrients they needed.

The Journey Towards Healthier Living

The user started focusing on making healthier choices and building a sustainable lifestyle. They started tracking their calories and ensured that they were getting enough healthy fats, proteins, and complex carbohydrates for their body type. Additionally, they started exercising regularly and shifted their mindset from wanting to lose weight to being healthy and feeling confident in their own skin. This change in perspective helped them make consistent progress towards their goals.

The Outcome

After two years of dedication and hard work, the user successfully achieved their goal of going from 190lbs to 170lbs. They look more confident, healthier, and happier in their after picture compared to their before picture. However, it is essential to remember that weight loss and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is a journey, not a destination. The user's journey acts as an inspiration for anyone who is willing to make healthy choices and adapt to a sustainable lifestyle.


The weight loss journey of [deleted] highlights the importance of being mindful of the food you eat, the nutrients you get, and the exercise you get to maintain a healthy lifestyle. It is essential to avoid extreme dieting and instead focus on making healthy choices that you can turn into long-term habits. Anyone can achieve the results they want as long as they remain dedicated, patient, and believe in themselves.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.