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From 130Lbs to 114Lbs: a 17 Week Weight Loss Success Story

A Reddit user shares their weight loss journey in 16lbs, as well as the struggles they faced with their unique body type. Find out how they lost the weight and achieved a healthier physique!

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'2" female showing a fat loss from 130 pounds to 114 pounds. A net loss of 16 pounds.
A picture of a 5'2" female showing a fat loss from 130 pounds to 114 pounds. A net loss of 16 pounds.
F/24/5'2" [130lbs > 114lbs = 16lbs] (17 weeks; view counterclockwise from left to see each month in succession). More subtle progress, but progress nonetheless. [NSFW -- undies]
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Losing weight is a difficult journey, especially with the many different factors that go into it, such as genetics, metabolism, and body type. For one Reddit user, accountability_post, weight loss was a personal challenge that required patience, perseverance, and hard work. Over 17 weeks, they went from 130lbs to 114lbs, losing a total of 16lbs.

The Struggle of Different Body Types

For accountability_post, the weight loss journey was more complex than simply watching what they ate and working out. They struggled with a unique body composition that made it difficult to know what type of physique they were aiming for. They wondered whether they could find a 'body twin' to give them a better idea of what a good goal might be.

Focusing on Strength Training

Accountability_post started a strength program that included bodyweight and resistance band exercises. They had also done Pilates previously, which had helped to strengthen their core. Ultimately, their goal was to get stronger and build muscle after reaching their weight loss target as it would help their overall health and metabolism.

Improving Posture and Re-Composition

Accountability_post noticed that their posture had improved throughout their journey, which contributed to their 'progress.' They also noted that they were not necessarily focused on losing weight rather than re-compositioning and gaining a flat stomach. Additionally, they mentioned their plan was to re-comp and gain weight again through muscle-building rather than fat.

Benefits of a Supportive Community

One of the benefits of accountability_post's journey was the supportive Reddit community. They received positive feedback and advice from other users, who shared their own journey and offered tips for continued success. This encouragement and support helped them to stay on track and motivated them to push forward.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.