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M/18/5'8" One Year Body Transformation: Lost 30 Pounds and Gained It Back

Read about TanTanMan's year-long journey in weight loss and gain, from cutting to bulking and his strict diet regimen.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'8" man showing a snapshot of 174 pounds at a height of 5'8
M/18/5'8" [174>174=0] 1 year transformation, lost 30 pounds and gained it back.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


TanTanMan, an 18-year-old standing at 5'8" had achieved an incredible weight journey transformation. He posted his progress on Reddit and received 107 upvotes and multiple comments praising his body. Nevertheless, towards the end of this one year transformation, TanTanMan gained his weight back. In this article, we will highlight his journey and provide insight into the strategies he used to lose and gain weight.

Dietary Management

When TanTanMan was focusing on losing weight, he watched his caloric intake and limited his carbohydrate intake. He revealed that his diet was more rigorous during his cutting phase compared to his bulking process. It consisted of a lot of protein to help him shed the extra pounds. When it came time to bulk, he ate plenty of oats, peanut butter, and milk. Nonetheless, he still asserts that he has not touched soda or dessert for a year to regulate his diet regimen.

Physical Training

TanTanMan discussed his physical training in his Reddit post. When he was cutting, he monitored his weightlifting and did exercises for endurance rather than bulk. However, when he was bulking, he focused on hypertrophy training to gain muscle mass. He also did forearm exercises due to tendonitis, using the forearm roller and playing baseball to develop his muscles. TanTanMan emphasizes that consistency and patience are essential to training.


TanTanMan considered the building of his body an essential part of his self-improvement project. He faced some adversity including tendonitis and weight gain but persevered throughout. Physical transformation is not easy and can be frustrating, which is why it is important to have a solid support system. TanTanMan used Reddit as an outlet for his journey and received positive feedback from the community.


TanTanMan's transformation is an excellent example of how a person can achieve their goals through hard work and dedication. While his journey was unique, the tools and strategies he employed can serve as an inspiration for anyone hoping to embark on a weight loss or weight gain journey. Remember, it is always crucial to speak with a medical professional before making drastic dietary or physical changes to your lifestyle.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.