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F/20/5'2" Weight Loss Journey: From 180Lbs to 140Lbs in 14 Months

Follow one reddit user's weight journey as they lose 40lbs and share their tips and tricks for success. Find out how they tackled the "freshman 15" and still have 20lbs to go!

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'2" woman showing a weight cut from 180 pounds to 140 pounds. A net loss of 40 pounds.
F/20/5'2" [180lbs > 140lbs = 40lbs] (14 months) My version of the freshman 15 (and then some) with 20lbs to go!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Weight loss is a journey and it takes time, consistency and perseverance to achieve the desired results. A Reddit user has shared their inspiring weight loss journey, in which they lost 40lbs over a period of 14 months. Starting at 180lbs, the user managed to shed the weight and is now at 140lbs, while still striving to lose another 20lbs. This article will explore the user's journey and the insights they shared on their Reddit thread.

The Struggle

The user shared that their weight gain began during their freshman year and continued up until they hit their highest weight at 180lbs. They described experiencing extreme difficulty with clothes shopping and even struggled with basic movements such as getting up off the floor. These struggles motivated them to take action and make a change for the better.

The Process

The user started by researching and learning about weight loss, nutrition, and exercise. They committed to making small lifestyle changes, such as swapping out high calorie snacks for healthier options and incorporating exercise into their weekly routine. As they saw progress, they found it easier to stay committed and even became more competitive with themselves, aiming for daily and weekly goals.

The Results

The user's weight loss journey has been incredibly successful, losing 40lbs over the course of 14 months. They report feeling more confident and having more energy, as well as no longer struggling with basic movements or clothing shopping. Although they still have 20lbs to lose, they are committed to their journey and have found a sense of pride and accomplishment in their progress.


Weight loss journeys can be challenging, but this Reddit user has shown that slow and steady progress can lead to amazing results. By committing to small lifestyle changes and staying consistent, they were able to make a significant impact on their health and wellbeing. If you're on a weight loss journey yourself, take inspiration from this user's journey and remember that every small step counts towards progress – no matter how challenging it may seem at the beginning.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.