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From Weight Gain to Loss: a User's Journey From 130Lbs to 145Lbs

Learn how one user went from 130lbs to 160lbs, then down to 145lbs. Discover the roller coaster ride they took and tips for weight gain.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'9" man showing a weight gain from 130 pounds to 160 pounds. A respectable gain of 30 pounds.
M/23/5'9" [130lbs > 160lbs > 145lbs] Jan 2011>Mar 2014>Jan 2015. It's been a wild roller coaster of gain and loss!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Weight gain and loss are common occurrences in many people's lives. This Reddit user, dvdvd77, documented their journey from 130lbs in January 2011 to 160lbs in March 2014 and back down to 145lbs in January 2015. But what led them on this wild roller coaster of a ride?

Gaining Weight

Initially, dvdvd77 used keto/low-carb methods to shed weight. However, for the past few months, they have been eating whatever (mostly protein but nothing really tracked too closely) but still can't seem to gain anything. They visited a subreddit for advice, and users commented that dvdvd77 should add weight/gym to their routine to gain muscle instead of worrying about fat.

Tips for Weight Gain

One Reddit user advised dvdvd77 to 'eat when you're hungry and eat when you're not hungry.' By following this, they can increase their caloric intake to gain weight. Additionally, users suggested adding more carbohydrates to their diet, as it could help boost muscle growth. Another user noted that dvdvd77's gym routine could be limiting their muscle growth.

The Road to Weight Loss

Despite gaining weight, dvdvd77 eventually realized that the weight they gained was from unhealthy sources. They went back to their old weight loss methods, and managed to shed 15 pounds. One Reddit user congratulated dvdvd77 on their achievement, but also suggested that they add weight/gym to avoid losing muscle mass, instead of just shedding fat.


Dvdvd77's journey highlights the importance of tracking dietary and exercise habits, and being cautious of unhealthy weight gain. It is also important to note that individual results may vary, especially when it comes to gaining muscle. Trying different tips and methods can be beneficial for finding what works best for each individual. Overall, this user's journey proves that gaining and losing weight is a dynamic process that requires consistent effort and attention.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.