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Amazing Weight Journey: Regular Gym Attendance Correlated to Beard Growth

A 24-year-old man shared his weight gain journey from 161 to 197 lbs in a year using regular gym attendance and protein-rich diet. Read on to learn more!

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 6'1" man showing a weight bulk from 161 pounds to 197 pounds. A total gain of 36 pounds.
M/24/6'1" [161 > 197 = up 36lbs] (1 Year) There appears to be some correlation between regular gym attendance and beard growth.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


The story of a 24-year-old man has become an inspiration to many who want to gain weight through regular exercise and proper diet. The man, known as Double0chicken on Reddit, shares his weight gain journey from 161 to 197 pounds in a year.

Regular Exercise and Diet

Double0chicken revealed that he started to gain weight unintentionally and realized he needed to make a change for the better. He started with a beginner routine and has been doing 5-day splits since then. His weight gain journey was not just about exercise, but also his diet. He ensured that he had a protein-rich diet and aimed to consume 3000 calories a day.

Tips on Gaining Facial Hair

Double0chicken revealed that his beard growth correlated to his regular gym attendance and protein-rich diet. According to him, lots of protein, chicken, and more protein can help boost facial hair growth. While genetics can also play a part, following a healthy diet and lifestyle could be beneficial.

The Journey Continues

Double0chicken initially aimed for 190 lbs in a year, which he achieved. He now aims to reach 210 lbs in the upcoming year. His journey has become an inspiration to people who want to gain weight through regular exercise and a healthy diet.


Weight gain is a personal journey, and Double0chicken's story shows that it is possible to achieve one's fitness goals through regular exercise and a healthy diet. While genetics may play a role, it is essential to follow a protein-rich diet and maintain an active lifestyle.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.