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My 55Lbs Weight Loss Journey: M/27/5'7" Goes From 220Lbs to 165Lbs

This reddit user shares their successful weight loss journey of 55lbs over 21 months by calorie counting. Learn from their experience!

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'7" man showing a weight cut from 220 pounds to 165 pounds. A net loss of 55 pounds.
M/27/5'7" [220lbs>165lbs] = 55lbs (21 months) After a very rough winter, I'm so happy to be back to losing weight. Now at my new lowest weight ever!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


When maclargehuge shared their weight loss success story on Reddit, it quickly garnered attention and 67 upvotes. At 220lbs, they started their journey to lose weight and have now reached their lowest weight ever at 165lbs, a total of 55lbs over 21 months. In this article, we'll explore their journey and learn some effective weight loss strategies from their experience.

Calorie Counting with MFP

Maclargehuge attributes the success of their weight loss journey to calorie counting using MyFitnessPal (MFP). By tracking the calories they consumed and burned, they were able to create a caloric deficit, leading to weight loss. Calorie counting is a proven strategy that can help people to lose weight effectively.

Staying Motivated

Maclargehuge's journey wasn't a smooth ride. They mentioned having a rough winter, but they were able to get back on track and achieve their weight loss goal. Staying motivated is crucial in any weight loss journey. Setting realistic goals, tracking progress, and celebrating small victories can help people stay motivated.

Positive Feedback

Receiving positive feedback from others can also help in staying motivated. One of the comments on maclargehuge's post reads "Huge difference, keep it up brother." Encouragement from others can be motivating and fuel one's weight loss journey.


From maclargehuge's journey, we can learn that calorie counting with MFP, staying motivated when facing obstacles, and getting positive feedback from others are all effective strategies in achieving weight loss goals. However, it's important to remember that everyone's journey is unique and what works for one person may not work for another. Trying different strategies and finding what works best for oneself is the key to success.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.