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Slow and Steady Wins the Race with Reddit User's Weight Loss Journey

Learn from the journey of Reddit user, SEAT81, who lost 13 pounds in 3 months through slow and steady steps. Discover the tips and tricks that helped her lose weight, maintain it, and persevere towards her goals.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'5" female showing a weight reduction from 213 pounds to 200 pounds. A total loss of 13 pounds.
F/32/5'5" [213lbs > 200lbs = 13lbs] (3 Months) Slow and steady wins the race ....right?
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


SEAT81, a 32-year-old female weighing 213 pounds, shared her journey on Reddit. Her slow but steady progress towards losing weight from her initial weight down to 200 pounds is inspiring. She sought support and encouragement from the weight loss community as she persevered. Her commitment to this journey makes her story worth considering for motivation.

Losing Weight Slowly

SEAT81 admits to getting frustrated when she sees others lose weight faster than her. But the slow loss is helpful in preventing excess skin in the long run. This is a message that SEAT81 believes in, and it is resonating with many in the community. As long as one keeps losing, one is on track. The progress is what counts.

Healthy Habits

SEAT81's success was not solely from heavy exercise routines. She credits her 13-pound weight loss within three months to her diet change. She gave up sweet tea and soft drinks and started drinking water instead. Additionally, she started doing cardio to maintain her progress. Her healthy eating habits and exercise all contributed to her steady loss.


During her journey, SEAT81's greatest victories came from abstaining from vices. Her commitment to giving up strongholds like soft drinks and sweet tea led to other healthy habits, such as drinking water. It also helped take away the focus from the time consumed for the actual weight loss. Wendy_stop_that, one of the commenters, rightfully suggested SEAT81 looked back and felt proud of her 'good habits for THREE MONTHS now.'


As suggested by commenter lrugo, there are other weight loss methods like a ketogenic diet that people can explore. But ultimately, SEAT81's journey exemplifies the importance of persisting towards one's goals through adopting healthy habits and living the weight loss journey one step at a time. No matter how slow the progress is, gains achieved remain the progress that counts.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.