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A 24 Year Old Woman Loses 40 Pounds in 6 Months: a Reddit User's Weight Loss Journey

Read about a Reddit user's inspirational weight loss journey where they lost 40 pounds in 6 months. Discover the techniques and habits that enabled her to succeed.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'6" woman showing a weight loss from 200 pounds to 160 pounds. A total loss of 40 pounds.
A progress pic of a 5'6" woman showing a weight loss from 200 pounds to 160 pounds. A total loss of 40 pounds.
A progress pic of a 5'6" woman showing a weight loss from 200 pounds to 160 pounds. A total loss of 40 pounds.
A progress pic of a 5'6" woman showing a weight loss from 200 pounds to 160 pounds. A total loss of 40 pounds.
F/24/5'6 [200>160=40 lbs] (6 months)
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Losing weight is not an easy task, but a Reddit user has managed to pull off an incredible feat. She managed to lose 40 pounds in just 6 months - an inspiring example for anyone embarking on the weight loss journey.

The Journey of a 24-Year-Old Woman

This female Reddit user, who wishes to remain anonymous, recently recounted her weight loss story, stating that she had gone from 200 to 160 pounds in just 6 months. So, what did she do differently? Firstly, she adjusted her eating habits. She started by reducing her portion sizes, cutting out sugary treats like candy and ice cream, and replacing them with healthier options. She also added more lean proteins and veggies to her meals.

The Impact of Exercise

While focusing on her diet, she also started incorporating exercise into her routine. She started off small, with gentle cardio and strength-training workouts at home that gradually increased in intensity. She also found inspiration from workout videos on YouTube, which provided her with new ideas and a sense of community. She also made sure to stay active throughout the day by taking the stairs instead of the elevator and parking further from her destination.

Accountability and Persistence

Throughout it all, the Reddit user held herself accountable for the choices she made and stayed persistent in her efforts. She was mindful of her food choices, but also allowed herself the occasional indulgence. On the days when she struggled, she reminded herself of her reasons for wanting to lose weight and didn't get discouraged by any setbacks.


The Reddit user's transformation from 200 to 160 pounds in just six months is an accomplishment that deserves recognition. Her journey shows that through small adjustments, like adding healthier foods to your diet or finding inspiration in workouts online, significant weight loss is achievable. Persistence, accountability, and patience were key factors in her success - and they can be for anyone else who sets out to lose weight.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.