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Trilitee's Weight Journey: a 19 Year Old M's Experience at 6'1 and 180 Lbs

This article discusses a 19-year-old male, Trilitee’s weight journey with helpful insights from Reddit users on what works best for a successful transformation process.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 6'1" man showing a snapshot of 180 pounds at a height of 6'1
A photo of a 6'1" man showing a snapshot of 180 pounds at a height of 6'1
[BoC] 19 M 6'1 180 lb
Originally posted on /r/BulkOrCut


Trilitee, a 19-year-old male, weighing 180 lbs, shared his struggles and victories with his weight journey on Reddit. Through his pictures posted on the page, he showed his progress and his plans for the future. With his openness about his goals and hard work, the community of Reddit users came together to provide support, feedback, and advice.

Bulk or Cut?

The comments section revealed concerns regarding whether to bulk or cut. Users recommended Trilitee to be mindful and avoid gaining too much fat, considering he was already 15% body fat. However, the common advice provided for a successful weight transformation was to start with a bulk phase before cutting down. This ensures that the body has enough muscle mass to work with without losing it all during the cutting phase.

Nutrition is Key

The nutrition aspect of Trilitee’s weight journey was a major talking point, with many recommending a calorie surplus. Users providing tips on counting calories, gaining weight safely, and incorporating essential nutrients into his diet. The key takeaway was to focus on wholesome, nutrient-dense foods while reducing intake of processed and refined foods.

Consistency and Hard Work

A consistent routine and hard work remain the most important factors for a successful weight journey. Adequate sleep, proper stress management, and exercise play vital roles complementing proper nutrition. Moreover, the key lesson from Trilitee’s journey is that progress can be slow, but consistency and patience are essential.


Trilitee’s weight journey offers insightful takeaways for anyone seeking a successful body transformation. It is crucial to commit to a consistent routine, prioritize adequate nutrition, and seek advice when necessary. Trilitee’s journey is proof that the journey is not always linear, but with patience and hard work, success is possible for anyone.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.