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Overcoming Weight Loss Struggles: a Reddit User's Journey

Check out a Reddit user's weight loss journey and how they lost 43lbs in less than 6 months.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'7" woman showing a fat loss from 193 pounds to 150 pounds. A total loss of 43 pounds.
F/24/5'7" [193lbs>150lbs=43lbs] (<6 months) 10lbs to go!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Losing weight can be a challenging task, and it is common to experience struggles and setbacks along the way. However, this Reddit user named Sellenjo did not let any difficulties keep her from achieving her weight loss goal. She lost 43 pounds in less than six months and shared her journey on the popular social media platform, Reddit.

The Progress

Sellenjo started at 193 pounds and went down to an impressive 150 pounds. Sellenjo's weight loss journey showed a significant transformation, particularly in belly fat loss. The progress pictures show significant changes and how much her hard work paid off. She also revealed a much healthier and happier appearance, demonstrating how losing weight can affect a person's life.

The Struggles

Sellenjo admitted that her weight loss struggle was to avoid overeating at night, which was a challenging obstacle to overcome. Sellenjo reached her goal by implementing various strategies such as counting calories, exercising, and sticking to a meal plan. Her determination and commitment to achieving her goal proved that anyone can lose weight and become fitter and healthier.

The Lessons Learned

Sellenjo's weight loss journey taught her several valuable lessons, including the importance of accountability, consistency, and realistic goals. Sellenjo's story can also remind people that slow and steady progress is the way to success. There are no shortcuts to losing weight, but with patience and persistence, anyone can achieve their desired body weight.


In conclusion, Sellenjo's weight loss journey serves as an inspiration for people who plan to shed some pounds. Her progress pictures and the positive remarks from the Reddit community demonstrates that with effort and persistence, achieving a healthy body weight is possible. Everyone's journey might be different, but ultimately it comes down to staying dedicated to your goals regardless of the obstacles you might face along the way.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.