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From 161Lbs to 143Lbs: a Reddit User's Weight Journey with Keto and Jogging

Read about a woman's 2.5 month weight loss journey using Keto and jogging to lose almost 20lbs. Tips for sticking to an exercise regimen are included!

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'5" female showing a weight reduction from 161 pounds to 143 pounds. A respectable loss of 18 pounds.
F/28/5'5"[161lbs > 143] (2.5 months) I've never been so proud of myself :) Only 11 more pounds to go
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

A Reddit user, imoshen, recently shared her weight loss journey in a post that gained over 900 upvotes. In just 2.5 months, she was able to lose almost 20lbs, going from 161lbs to 143lbs. The 28-year old woman explained that she had never been so proud of herself. With just 11 more pounds to go until her goal weight, imoshen is determined to finish the job.

Keto for weight loss

Imoshen attributes her success to trying the Keto diet. While she struggled at first with stomach aches, she has found a way to eat few carbs (no more than 50 grams per day) and no longer cooks with much fat. It was this diet, as well as jogging, that allowed her to make tremendous progress in the last two months. Keto is a high-fat, low-carb diet that helps people burn fat more efficiently than diets high in carbs. Imoshen found it effective in keeping her full and satisfied.

Sticking to an exercise regimen

Imoshen's journey can be an inspiration for many who struggle to stick to an exercise regimen. She achieved success by setting a goal and tracking her progress. Another helpful tip for sticking to an exercise regimen is to plan ahead by fitting it into a daily routine. This makes sure that it becomes a habit instead of an inconvenience. Additionally, making exercise fun by trying out new exercises, working out with friends or listening to music, can make a world of difference in sticking to the regimen.

Finding inspiration

Several other Reddit users reached out to imoshen to congratulate her and seek inspiration. While some, like persephone56, found inspiration in imoshen's remarkable transformation, others found motivation to start their own fitness journey. Kisutra provided valuable exercise and diet tips to sarbear1995 by suggesting a yoga and HIIT routine, as well as using MyFitnessPal app to track calories. They both found the advice useful and encouraging.

The importance of self-love

Finally, it is important to remember that everyone's journey to health and fitness is different. Negative comments, like those of TheRabid, gnice3d, and Mortido, should be ignored. It is important to focus on self-love and self-acceptance, and remember that making progress towards a healthier lifestyle is a personal journey that is unique to everyone. Imoshen should be applauded for her hard work and determination, and her story can serve as an inspiration for many others who are striving towards a healthier lifestyle.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.