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M/24/6'2" Weight Loss Journey: From 107Kgs to 87Kgs in 6 Months

Read about one Reddit user's dramatic weight loss journey and find out their secret to success. Discover how to make the same progress yourself.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 6'2" male showing a weight cut from 235 pounds to 191 pounds. A total loss of 44 pounds.
A picture of a 6'2" male showing a weight cut from 235 pounds to 191 pounds. A total loss of 44 pounds.
A picture of a 6'2" male showing a weight cut from 235 pounds to 191 pounds. A total loss of 44 pounds.
A picture of a 6'2" male showing a weight cut from 235 pounds to 191 pounds. A total loss of 44 pounds.
M/24/6'2"[107kgs > 87kgs = 20kgs](6 Months) Finally Reached the 20kgs mark! My pride in my efforts outweighs my inability to take a nice photo! Still plenty of hardwork to go! :)
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


When it comes to weight loss, it can be difficult to know where to start. For one Reddit user, they found their inspiration in the desire to improve their health and appearance. After six months of consistent effort, they finally reached the 20kgs mark. Let's take a closer look at how they accomplished this impressive feat.

The Journey

At the beginning of their journey, this user was doing keto for the first month and a half, but found that MyFitnessPal worked better for them in the end. By monitoring calorie intake and exercising regularly, they were able to make significant progress. Although there's still a long way to go, they feel proud of what they've accomplished so far and the determination they've shown to make a change for the better.

The Secret to Success

There are no shortcuts when it comes to weight loss. Consistent diet and exercise are the keys to success, and this Reddit user is living proof of that. By tracking calorie intake and engaging in regular physical activity, they were able to lose a significant amount of weight in just six months. Of course, it takes time and patience to see results, but with the right mindset and determination, anyone can achieve their fitness goals.

Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement can be incredibly motivating when it comes to weight loss. This Reddit user received a lot of supportive comments and encouragement along the way, which helped to keep them on track. Whether you're looking for support from friends and family, an online community, or a fitness group, positive reinforcement can go a long way in helping you reach your goals.


Weight loss is a journey, not a destination. No matter where you are on your journey, it's important to celebrate every milestone along the way. Whatever method you choose, keep in mind that consistency is key. With the right mindset and support system, you too can achieve your weight loss goals and be proud of your efforts.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.