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From 200 to 177: a Weight Loss Journey of a 27 F Year Old in 9 Months

Read the inspiring journey of a 27-year-old female from 200 to 177 pounds in 9 months, as documented in her Reddit post, and learn tips on how to start yours!

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'10" female showing a weight cut from 200 pounds to 172 pounds. A respectable loss of 28 pounds.
A picture of a 5'10" female showing a weight cut from 200 pounds to 172 pounds. A respectable loss of 28 pounds.
A picture of a 5'10" female showing a weight cut from 200 pounds to 172 pounds. A respectable loss of 28 pounds.
A picture of a 5'10" female showing a weight cut from 200 pounds to 172 pounds. A respectable loss of 28 pounds.
A picture of a 5'10" female showing a weight cut from 200 pounds to 172 pounds. A respectable loss of 28 pounds.
A picture of a 5'10" female showing a weight cut from 200 pounds to 172 pounds. A respectable loss of 28 pounds.
A picture of a 5'10" female showing a weight cut from 200 pounds to 172 pounds. A respectable loss of 28 pounds.
A picture of a 5'10" female showing a weight cut from 200 pounds to 172 pounds. A respectable loss of 28 pounds.
A picture of a 5'10" female showing a weight cut from 200 pounds to 172 pounds. A respectable loss of 28 pounds.
A picture of a 5'10" female showing a weight cut from 200 pounds to 172 pounds. A respectable loss of 28 pounds.
A picture of a 5'10" female showing a weight cut from 200 pounds to 172 pounds. A respectable loss of 28 pounds.
A picture of a 5'10" female showing a weight cut from 200 pounds to 172 pounds. A respectable loss of 28 pounds.
A picture of a 5'10" female showing a weight cut from 200 pounds to 172 pounds. A respectable loss of 28 pounds.
A picture of a 5'10" female showing a weight cut from 200 pounds to 172 pounds. A respectable loss of 28 pounds.
A picture of a 5'10" female showing a weight cut from 200 pounds to 172 pounds. A respectable loss of 28 pounds.
A picture of a 5'10" female showing a weight cut from 200 pounds to 172 pounds. A respectable loss of 28 pounds.
27/F/5'10"; 200->172->177...9 months in, no longer begrudgingly having my picture taken.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

The Story of a 27-Year-Old Female's Weight Loss Journey

This Reddit post documents the inspiring story of a 27-year-old female who decided to take charge of her weight and shed off pounds. She started her journey at 200 pounds and was able to drop to 172 pounds. However, her weight eventually plateaued, and she bounced back to 177 pounds. Despite this setback, she remained motivated to continue her weight loss journey.

No Longer Begrudgingly Having Her Picture Taken

One of the most significant changes that she noticed throughout her weight loss journey was her newfound confidence. She no longer begrudgingly had her picture taken or felt self-conscious when she wore certain clothes. She also gained a deeper appreciation for her body and what it was capable of.

Tips for Starting Your Own Weight Loss Journey

If you're inspired by this person's weight loss journey and want to start your own, here are a few tips that can help: set realistic goals, track your progress, make healthier food choices, incorporate physical activity into your daily routine, and find a support system to keep you accountable.

Celebrating the Small Wins

One of the things that this Reddit user did right was to celebrate small wins along the way. Losing weight is not an easy feat, and it's essential to acknowledge and celebrate every pound lost or milestone reached. It helps keep you motivated and on track.

Take That First Step

Starting a weight loss journey can be intimidating, but it's important to remember that everyone has to start somewhere. Use this person's story as a source of inspiration and take that first step towards a healthier life. Remember that every small change you make is a step towards a better and healthier you.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.