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User's Weight Journey From 215 to 190 Pounds in 3 Months

Follow the weight loss journey of a Reddit user as she shares progress photos and receives feedback from the community. Tips and insights for successful weight loss included!

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'7" female showing a weight reduction from 215 pounds to 190 pounds. A total loss of 25 pounds.
F/18/5'7" [215 > 190 = 25] (3 months) First face progress! Working my way to 135.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Reddit user aniq shares her weight loss journey from 215 to 190 pounds in just three months. Her post features progress photos and receives encouraging feedback from the Reddit community.

The Weight Loss Journey

aniq shares that her journey began by tracking what she ate and being in a caloric deficit, but soon switched to the Keto diet. She also started a strength training regiment and engaged in regular cardio exercise. Her progress photos depict significant progress and she appears to be continuing to work towards her goal of reaching 135 pounds.

Community Support

aniq's Reddit post has over 170 upvotes and 7 comments offering support, compliments, and even a comparison to actress Isla Fisher. Despite the positivity, one comment challenged her photos claiming that her before and after pictures were of completely different people. aniq dismissed the allegation, but emphasized the importance of considering angles and lighting when taking progress photos.

Tips for Weight Loss Success

aniq's successful weight loss serves as inspiration for anyone looking to shed some pounds. Her approach of tracking food intake and engaging in strength training and cardio can be an effective strategy to reach weight loss goals. Additionally, finding a supportive community (such as on Reddit) can be a helpful motivating factor to keep pushing forward.


aniq's weight loss journey highlights the power of consistency, hard work, and finding support in the right places. While everyone's journey is unique, the key is to find what works for you and never give up. Start tracking food intake and exercise frequency, join supportive communities, and stay committed to the goal of a healthier you.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.