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Overcoming Obesity: a Weight Loss Journey

Follow a Reddit user's inspiring journey of shedding 65 pounds and regaining athletic confidence. Learn about their strategies, struggles, and triumphs.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 6'1" male showing a weight loss from 315 pounds to 250 pounds. A net loss of 65 pounds.
M/22/6'1 [315-250] Half way to my goal! My hockey jersey fits like a hockey jersey should fit!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Meet Goldenfro, a 22-year-old Redditor who recently embarked on a mission to lose weight and improve their overall health. Starting at a weight of 315 pounds, Goldenfro felt self-conscious and uncomfortable in their own body, especially when playing hockey, their beloved sport. However, with a combination of lifestyle changes, dietary adjustments, and fitness routines, Goldenfro has managed to drop down to 250 pounds and gain back some of the confidence and agility they thought they had lost forever. Read on to discover how they did it and get inspired to make changes in your own life.

The Challenge of Obesity

Obesity is a complex and multifactorial condition that affects millions of Americans and people around the world. From genetic predispositions to environmental factors, there are many reasons why some individuals struggle with weight gain, poor nutrition, and reduced activity levels. For Goldenfro, the challenge was not only to lose weight but also to address the emotional and psychological toll of being overweight. They describe feeling 'like a stranger in my own skin' and avoiding social situations, including games and practices with their hockey team, because of their size and shame. This is a common experience for many people with obesity, who often face stigma, discrimination, and negative self-talk.

The Strategies for Success

Goldenfro's weight loss journey has been a combination of different strategies and tactics, some more effective than others. They started by cutting out sugary drinks and processed foods, which had been the main source of their excessive caloric intake. They also began tracking their meals and snacks using a food app to monitor their portions and nutrient intake. Additionally, Goldenfro started going to the gym regularly and doing a mix of cardiovascular exercises and weight lifting to burn calories and build muscle. They also joined a community of fellow hockey players who supported and encouraged them, which helped Goldenfro feel more connected and motivated. Finally, Goldenfro adopted a more positive and compassionate attitude towards themselves, focusing on their progress rather than perfection and celebrating small victories along the way.

The Results and Lessons Learned

The results of Goldenfro's efforts speak for themselves: a loss of 65 pounds, a renewed sense of self-esteem, and a hockey jersey that fits 'like a hockey jersey should fit.' However, the journey was not always smooth sailing, and Goldenfro faced setbacks, obstacles, and doubts along the way. They acknowledge that weight loss is not a linear process and that some days are harder than others. They also highlight the importance of finding a sustainable and enjoyable way to stay active and eat healthily, rather than relying on fad diets or extreme measures. Finally, they urge others who are struggling with obesity or body image issues to seek support, both from their loved ones and from professional resources, such as therapists or dieticians.


Goldenfro's weight loss journey is a testament to the power of determination, support, and self-love. By taking small steps towards healthier habits and staying committed to their goals, they have changed their body and their mindset in profound ways. While losing weight is not easy, it is possible, and Goldenfro's experience shows that anyone can do it with the right mindset and tools. Whether you want to shed a few pounds, improve your athletic performance, or simply feel better in your own skin, take inspiration from Goldenfro's story and start your journey today.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.