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From 250Lbs to 170Lbs in 4 Months: the Weight Loss Journey of Sir Jacques Strappe

Discover how a reddit user lost 80 pounds in just 4 months, his secret to success, and his advice for others who want to achieve their weight goals.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 6'0" man showing a weight cut from 250 pounds to 170 pounds. A total loss of 80 pounds.
M/21/6'0" [250lbs > 170lbs = 80lbs] (4 months) Thankfully I didn't lose my impeccable taste in vests
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

How Sir_Jacques_Strappe lost 80lbs in 4 months

Sir_Jacques_Strappe achieved his weight loss success from a combination of a rigorous diet and regular cardio. He cut off soda and sweet tea and drank only water and black coffee. He adopted a keto diet (/r/keto) and started running (/r/c25k), which helped him shed pounds. He also used the rule of keeping his caloric intake to a maximum of 10x his current weight (2500 at 250, 1850 at 185, etc).

Amazing results and inspiring progress

Sir_Jacques_Strappe's transformation was impressive. In four months, he lost around 80 pounds, going from 250lbs to 170lbs. His progress was astounding, and he inspired many people, especially those of similar height, build, and age, to lose weight themselves.

No leftover skin

One of the concerns for those who lose weight is leftover skin. Although Sir_Jacques_Strappe lost most of the weight in a relatively short amount of time, he stated that his skin tightened up incredibly well, and he didn't have any leftover skin. However, he pointed out that even if he had loose skin, it would eventually tighten up over time.

The importance of staying motivated and disciplined

Sir_Jacques_Strappe's success did not come easily. It was the result of his dedication, discipline, and motivation. He acknowledged that losing weight was a challenging process that required effort, but he advised others to take small steps and remain motivated. Sir_Jacques_Strappe saw his doctor before his weight loss, confirming that he was in good health.

Finding affordable clothes through thrifting

Sir_Jacques_Strappe was also famous for his unique vests during his weight loss journey. He stated that the vests he wore were from local thrift stores, delivering a way to find affordable clothes in comparison to buying new ones. Sir_Jacques_Strappe's advice for those who want to achieve their weight loss goals is to take it one day at a time and remain consistent.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.