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How This Woman Lost 20 Pounds in 1 Year and Transformed Her Face

Read about trunkle's weight loss journey and how she went from 195lbs to 175lbs in a year, with most of the weight loss visible in her face.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'6" female showing a weight reduction from 195 pounds to 175 pounds. A respectable loss of 20 pounds.
F/25/5'6" 195lbs to 175lbs. 1 year. Slowly but surely. Face progress.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Trunkle's story is an inspiring one for those who are struggling with weight loss. Her progress pictures show how she went from being cute to absolutely stunning in a year. Her journey was slow but steady, with most of the weight loss visible in her face.

The Journey

Trunkle started her weight loss journey at 195lbs, aiming to lose 20-30lbs. She achieved it in a year through a combination of healthy eating habits and exercise, losing most of the weight in her face. Her progress pictures show how her face changed and became more defined, making her look younger and more radiant.

The Impact

Trunkle's transformation was not just physical but also mental. She gained more confidence and self-esteem and felt better about herself. She received many compliments from fellow Reddit users, which encouraged her to continue her fitness journey. Her story is an example of how small changes can lead to significant outcomes and how perseverance and determination can help you achieve your goals.


Trunkle's success story serves as a reminder that we can all do better for our health and well-being. Small steps like incorporating daily exercise, eating a balanced diet, and staying hydrated can make all the difference. We shouldn't compare ourselves to others but aim to be the best version of ourselves. Trunkle's journey shows that with consistency and patience, we can achieve great things.


Trunkle's weight loss journey is an inspiring one that shows what can be achieved with hard work and dedication. Her progress pictures and the comments she received from Reddit users attest to her success. Her journey is a reminder that even small steps toward a healthier lifestyle can make a significant impact. We should all strive to do better, regardless of where we are on our fitness journey.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.