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20 Pound Weight Loss Journey: One Woman's Success Story

Read about Kindagrubby247's inspiring weight loss journey from 175lbs to 155lbs in just 7 months. Get motivated and try it out for yourself!

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'6" female showing a weight reduction from 175 pounds to 155 pounds. A net loss of 20 pounds.
F/34/5'6" [175lbs > 155lbs = 20lbs] (7 months). Half way there... ooOOh 🍋 and a 🍐
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Losing weight and keeping it off is no easy task, but Kindagrubby247's story proves that it's possible. With sheer determination and hard work, this woman managed to shed 20 pounds over the course of 7 months. Her inspiring story is one that can motivate anyone to start their own weight loss journey.

Starting point and initial challenges

At the beginning of her journey, Kindagrubby247 weighed 175lbs and standing at 5'6". She faced several challenges in the beginning, including a lack of motivation and finding time for exercise. However, she persevered and found new ways to stay motivated, such as setting realistic goals and finding an exercise routine that worked for her.

Diet changes and progress

In order to lose weight, Kindagrubby247 made some significant changes to her diet. She started by cutting down on calories and increasing her intake of vegetables and protein. She also tracked her progress using a food diary, which helped her stay on track. Over time, she began to see significant progress, losing an average of 2-3 pounds per month.

Halfway there and future plans

After 7 months, Kindagrubby247 has hit a major milestone, having lost 20 pounds and dropping down to 155lbs. She notes that she is halfway to her ultimate goal weight, but that she is proud of her progress thus far. Looking ahead, she plans to continue her healthy lifestyle by making smarter food choices and staying dedicated to her exercise routine.


Kindagrubby247's story proves that anyone can achieve their weight loss goals with hard work and dedication. Her journey serves as a reminder that progress takes time, but is well worth the effort in the end. If you're looking to start your own weight loss journey, take inspiration from Kindagrubby247 and never give up!

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.