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M/23/5'10 [230 > 160 = 70Lbs Loss] a Transformation Journey

Read about a Reddit user's weight loss journey, his experience and inspiring results. Learn about the benefits of losing weight and staying healthy.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'10" man showing a weight cut from 230 pounds to 160 pounds. A respectable loss of 70 pounds.
M/23/5’10 [230 > 160 = 70lbs loss] face change after loosing 70lbs. 10lbs off my goal and feeling brilliant 😊 (2.5 years)
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

The Journey of aReddit User

At the age of 23, a Reddit user named 'thephatdosser' posted about his weight loss journey on the social media platform. He had lost 70 pounds and was just 10 pounds away from his ultimate goal. In his post, he shared two images of himself, one before and one after the weight loss. The transformation was incredible, and it was evident that he had gone through a remarkable change.

Motivation to Lose Weight

The Reddit user revealed that he had struggled with his weight both physically and mentally, which had taken a considerable toll on him. It was enough motivation for him to begin his weight loss journey. The journey was not easy. The Reddit user used discipline and determination to reach his goal.

The Results of Losing Weight

The transformation journey of 'thephatdosser' shows the incredible benefits of losing weight. After reaching his goal, he noticed various changes in his physical and mental health. His face transformation showed the most significant changes, with him showing off his jawline that was not visible before. Losing weight also positively affected his confidence and self-esteem.

The Challenges of Losing Weight

The weight loss journey is not without challenges, and 'thephatdosser' was not exempt. There were periods when he would feel down, lose motivation, and face various challenges. He was, however; determined to stick to his goal, which helped him overcome any challenges he faced.

Tips for Losing Weight

After the amazing results of his transformation journey, Reddit users showered the 'thephatdosser' with compliments, encouragement and requests for tips. One user advised hitting the gym and working hard and influencing friends and family to motivate one's journey. Each body structure is unique, and what works for one person may not necessarily work for another, but the determination to achieve your goal can lead to incredible transformations.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.