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Amazing Weight Loss Journey of a Reddit User Derm 08

Discover the inspiring weight loss journey of Derm 08 from a Reddit post. Learn the secrets behind her successful journey and how you can try it out.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'3" woman showing a weight cut from 145 pounds to 120 pounds. A net loss of 25 pounds.
F/20/5'3/145-120 before, during and after
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


The Reddit thread of Derm08 has inspired many individuals to embark on their own journey to weight loss. Her weight loss journey is impressive, and many are looking up to her for tips on how to lose weight effectively. The post described Derm08's journey from weighing 145 pounds and attaining her goal weight of 120 pounds, focusing on what she did to keep her body healthy and toned.

Exercise Routine

In her post, Derm08 attested to her regular exercise routine as a key factor in her successful weight loss journey. Running was her primary exercise, which she started as her New Year's resolution. At the start, she could only jog for a few minutes but eventually pushed herself to run five miles at a time. On days she couldn't run, Derm08 alternates between different leg exercises like squats, wall sits, and planks for the tummy.

Caloric Intake & Healthy Eating

Derm08's daily goal for calories intake was/is 1200 (including exercise), which she tracked using MyFitnessPal. On days when she participated in exercises, she consumed up to 1400 calories. The key to losing weight was not only monitoring caloric intake but also eating healthily. Derm08 gradually transitioned into eating healthier by replacing unhealthy snacks with healthy alternatives, limiting portion size, and swapping unhealthy meal options for healthier ones.

Motivation & Support

According to Derm08, motivation and support from fellow Redditors were beneficial for her weight loss journey. Positive comments and feedback provide her with the much-needed motivation to keep pushing and achieving her goals. She also supports others on the same journey by encouraging them to take before and after photos to track their progress.


In conclusion, the Derm08 Reddit thread has inspired many people to embark on their weight loss journeys healthily. Derm08 was able to lose weight by gradually changing her eating habits, controlling her calorie intake, complemented with regular exercise. It's important to note that, while Derm08's routine worked for her, everyone's body is unique and requires a tailored plan to achieve fitness goals. With motivation, support, and consistency, anyone can embark on their weight loss journey and achieve their desired results.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.