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F/30/5’5 [186Lbs > 153Lbs = 33Lbs] (6 Months) What a Difference a Year Makes!!

Read about a Reddit user's weight loss journey, going from 186 lbs to 153 lbs in 6 months using a combination of OMAD and rolling 48-hour fasts.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'5" woman showing a weight cut from 186 pounds to 153 pounds. A total loss of 33 pounds.
F/30/5’5 [186lbs > 153lbs = 33lbs] (6 months) What a difference a year makes!!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Reddit user disneyobsessed007 went through an incredible transformation, losing 33lbs in just 6 months. Her journey involved a combination of OMAD and rolling 48-hour fasts, and her weight loss progress was documented on Reddit.

The Journey

Disneyobsessed007 started her journey in June, and six months later, she had lost an impressive 33lbs. She attributes her success to a combination of eating one meal a day (OMAD) and rolling 48-hour fasts. She emphasizes that she still ate carbs during this time and indulged in her favorite comfort foods like pasta, pizza, and burgers. This allowed her to still enjoy the foods she loved while making progress towards her weight loss goals.


Disneyobsessed007's progress is remarkable. She went from 186lbs to 153lbs in just 6 months, a testament to the effectiveness of her approach. Beyond the numbers, she also visibly transformed, as evidenced by a photo comparison showing the difference in her appearance from the prior year's Santa photo to the current one. The posts on Reddit about her journey were met with an outpouring of support and positive comments from the community.


Disneyobsessed007's journey is an inspiring example of what can be achieved through consistent effort and dedication. Her approach, combining OMAD and rolling 48-hour fasts, is an option to consider for those looking to lose weight. Perhaps most inspiring of all is her commitment to enjoying the foods she loves while still making progress towards her goals. For anyone looking to make changes in their own weight and wellness journey, her progress and positive attitude are well worth keeping in mind.


The Reddit user disneyobsessed007 documented her weight loss journey on the site over the course of six months. Her transformation from 186lbs to 153lbs is impressive, and she achieved this through a combination of OMAD and rolling 48-hour fasts, while still enjoying the foods she loved. Her story is a testament to what can be achieved through dedication and effort, and her posts serve as an inspiring example for those looking to make changes in their own journeys to better health.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.