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Weight Loss Journey of a 41 Year Old Male: 240 Lbs to 225 Lbs in 3 Months

Read about a Reddit user's 15-pound weight loss journey without any specific challenges.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 6'2" man showing a fat loss from 240 pounds to 225 pounds. A respectable loss of 15 pounds.
M/41/6’2” [240 > 225 = 15lbs] Did a three month challenge with a friend, but still going
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Coremotivation, a 41-year-old male, lost 15 lbs in three months by sticking to his deficit meal plan. His Reddit post serves as an inspiration for people who are just starting their weight loss journey.

The Journey

As per Coremotivation's post, he never had any specific challenges for losing weight. Instead, he focused on sticking to his deficit meal plan, which helped him lose approximately 1 lb per week. His hardest area to manage was his core, which he tackled with targeted exercises.


The comments section is filled with positive remarks from users who offer encouragement and praise for Coremotivation's efforts. Many users notice a change in Coremotivation's biceps and shoulders, which they encourage him to continue to develop.


Coremotivation's post shows that a steady and consistent approach to weight loss can yield excellent results. While there may not be any secret challenges or fad diets involved, something as simple as maintaining a calorie deficit and focusing on exercise will go a long way in helping with weight loss goals.


Coremotivation's success provides an essential takeaway for anyone trying to lose weight - consistency is key. It's essential to stick to the plan and be patient as the process requires time and effort. With grit, determination, and a steadfast approach, anyone can achieve their weight loss goals.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.