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A Weight Loss Journey: Learning From a Reddit User's Success

Discover the inspiring weight loss journey of a Reddit user who documented their progress through posts and comments.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 6'1" male showing a weight reduction from 205 pounds to 185 pounds. A respectable loss of 20 pounds.
M/23/6'1 [205lb>185] (9 months) set myself the goal of getting in shape before I began my new career. Achieved far more than I ever expected.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Losing weight is a challenging goal that requires dedication, willpower, and sometimes, support from others. Fortunately, the internet has created a platform for people to connect, share their experiences, and inspire others to achieve their desired body composition. One such platform is Reddit, where users can join communities and discuss weight loss strategies, nutrition, and exercise. In this article, we will explore one user's weight loss journey, which has motivated hundreds of people on the platform.


The user, whose username and posts have been deleted, started their weight loss journey at 162 pounds and a BMI of 26.7, which is considered overweight. Through a combination of healthy eating, intermittent fasting, and exercising, they were able to lose 34 pounds in three months. The user documented their progress through regular posts and comments on the weight loss subreddit, which received over 336 upvotes and numerous applauds.

Strategies and Tips

The user attributed their success to several strategies and tips, including tracking their calories, reducing their carb intake, incorporating strength training into their workouts, and drinking lots of water. They also stressed the importance of discipline and consistency, noting that sticking to a routine and avoiding cheat days was crucial for achieving their goals. Many commenters praised the user's determination and asked for advice on how to replicate their success.

Lessons Learned

The user's weight loss journey highlights several important lessons for anyone who wants to lose weight. Firstly, it is essential to set realistic goals and track your progress regularly. Secondly, finding a strategy that works for you and sticking to it is critical, whether it is through diet, exercise, or a combination of the two. Lastly, there is no substitute for hard work and dedication; every pound lost requires effort and sacrifice. By following these principles, anyone can achieve their desired weight and improve their health.


In conclusion, the Reddit user's weight loss journey is a testament to the power of perseverance, discipline, and community support. Through sharing their experiences and tips, they have motivated countless others to pursue their weight loss goals and improve their overall well-being. We encourage anyone who wants to lose weight to seek inspiration from others and try different strategies to find what works best for them. Remember, there is no one-size-fits-all solution, and every journey starts with a single step.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.