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A Weight Loss Journey of a Reddit User

Read about a Reddit user's journey of losing weight and achieving their health goals. Follow their experience and learn from their success!

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'3" woman showing a weight cut from 154 pounds to 122 pounds. A net loss of 32 pounds.
F/32/5’3” [154>122 = 32lbs] (1 Year) I finally have one to post! Got sober and woke up living, now I can’t stop doing it.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


A Reddit user, whose username has been deleted, shared their inspiring weight loss journey with the community. Despite the post being deleted, we can still follow their journey of losing weight and achieving their health goals with the help of other users who commented on the post.

Starting point

The user started their weight loss journey at around 365 pounds. They tried intermittent fasting and keto diets but found them hard to keep up with. They eventually settled on a low-calorie diet while incorporating some exercise, such as walking and using an exercise bike.

Progress and challenges

The user successfully lost over 100 pounds within a year and posted pictures showing the incredible change in their appearance. However, they also shared the ups and downs of their journey, including dealing with stress and slipping up with their diet. They relied on the support and motivation from the Reddit community to keep going.

Lessons learned

The user gained valuable insights during their weight loss journey. They learned that small changes and consistency were key to achieving their goals. They also realized the importance of not being too hard on themselves and allowing for occasional treats.


The weight loss journey of this Reddit user is a testament to the power of support, determination, and perseverance. By sharing their experience, they have inspired others to start their own journey towards a healthier lifestyle. Take inspiration from their success and use it to achieve your own health goals!

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.