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11 Month Weight Journey: Using Ppl Methodology to Achieve Incredible Progress

Learn how one Reddit user improved their weight using the PPL methodology over the span of 11 months, gaining strength and achieving amazing progress.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'10" male showing a snapshot of 165 pounds at a height of 5'10
M/26/5'10" [165lbs to 165lbs] (11 months) + (B: 185lbs; S: 255lbs; D: 360lbs)
Originally posted on /r/Brogress


Reddit user rguiz shared their weight journey in a post, showing how they used the PPL methodology to achieve incredible progress in 11 months. From a starting weight of 165lbs, they were able to build muscle, gain strength, and transform their body.

Routine and Diet

During the first two months, rguiz used machine and dumbbell exercises with high volume to build a foundation. Then, they incorporated major barbell lifts and spent a lot of time learning the movements. When rguiz felt they had mastered the form, they used this routine during their cut: Legs: Squat, Front Squat, Romanian Deadlift, Standing Calf-press, Seated Calf-press, Cable Wood Chops, Ab-wheel rollout (knee). Pull: Deadlift, Bent-over row, Chin-ups, Lat Pulldown, Cable seated row, Cable Face Pull, Concentration curls, and Alternate Bicep curls. Push: OHP, Bench Press, DB Incline Press, Dips, Lateral raises, and Tricep pushdown. They started with a bulk at 2700 calories, eventually reaching 3500, and cut at 2000, then lowering to 1900. They are now on a slow bulk at 2500 calories.

Lessons Learned

During their journey, rguiz made mistakes like a dirty bulk and had to take time to learn proper technique and mobility. They also felt drained during their cut and had to adjust their volume and amount of days per week. They discovered the importance of a solid, tight core during the squat and learned about the valsalva maneuver and two directional movement video from Alan Thrall. Rguiz emphasizes the importance of taking it slow, being safe, and learning from their mistakes.

Advice for Others

Rguiz's journey shows that with dedication, hard work, and the right methodology, incredible progress is possible. They also recommend finding a routine and diet that works for the individual and not being too strict on hitting a perfect number. Rguiz also recommends tweaking the routine as needed and being aware of potential injuries, as well as seeking motivation from communities such as the one on Reddit that helped them on their journey.


Rguiz's 11-month weight journey is an incredible example of the power of dedication, hard work, and the right methodology. By using the PPL program and making adjustments to their routine and diet, they were able to gain muscle, improve their strength, and undergo an amazing transformation. They also learned important lessons along the way and recommend others to try things out for themselves, take things slow, and learn from their mistakes.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.