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35Lbs Weight Loss Journey: F/23/5'5 From 185Lbs to 150Lbs

This article is about a user's weight loss journey with inspiring photos and Reddit comments. Read to get motivated for your own fitness goals.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'5" woman showing a weight cut from 185 pounds to 150 pounds. A net loss of 35 pounds.
F/23/5’5 [185lbs>150lbs=35lbs] I think you can see how much more confident i feel now💥🤗
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Weight loss journeys are inspiring and tend to motivate people to embark on similar journeys. In this article, we will discuss the inspiring journey of a Reddit user, F/23/5'5 who lost 35lbs. Grab a cup of tea and read on to become inspired.

The Journey

Cluelesss_sloth started her journey at 185lbs and through some life changes, found herself at her heaviest weight. With dedication and perseverance, she started her journey towards a healthier life. After losing 35lbs, she now weighs in at 150lbs.

The Reactions

With over 2.3k upvotes, Cluelesss_sloth surely made an impact on Reddit. Reading through the comments, you could see the reactions of other users to her stunning transformation. There were lots of compliments and comments on how beautiful she looked both before and after the weight loss journey was completed.

The Result

Through her weight loss journey, Cluelesss_sloth found herself more confident and happier than ever. She claims that she didn't imagine that losing weight would make her feel so much better. The result of her hard work is a beautiful, confident woman who enjoys life to the fullest. Isn't that what we all want after all?


After reading the inspiring story of Cluelesss_sloth, we hope that you too can embark on a similar journey. Use her story as motivation and inspiration to start your own journey towards a healthy life. Also, don't forget the power of kind words and encouragement. They can make all the difference in the world. So be kind, both to yourself and others!

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.