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How Heavy Lifting Can Transform a Woman's Body: F/26/5’3” Goes From 140 to 140 in 2 Years

A Reddit user shares her 2-year journey of weightlifting and how it transformed her body, without losing any weight.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'3" woman showing a snapshot of 140 pounds at a height of 5'3
F/26/5’3” [140 > 140 = 0 ] (2 years) How heavy lifting for women can change your body
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


One Reddit user has been sharing her weightlifting journey during the past two years, and it has left the internet in awe. Over this time, she has shifted her focus from losing weight to transforming her body through heavy lifting, resulting in an incredible body transformation that didn’t require any weight loss.

Why Heavy Lifting is Important for Women

Despite common myths and misconceptions, women who lift heavy weights will not turn into masculine or bulky figures. In fact, building muscle can provide numerous benefits, including increased metabolism, improved bone health, and enhanced overall physical performance. Incorporating strength training can be especially beneficial for women because they naturally have less muscle mass than men. Therefore, adding resistance to their workouts can increase their strength and help to tone their bodies.

The Reddit User’s Progress

The Reddit user, who wishes to remain anonymous, started lifting weights as a way to complement her running routine. Two years later, her progress pictures show a dramatic transformation with visible abs and toned muscles throughout her body, all while staying at the same weight of 140 pounds. She attributes much of her success to lifting heavy weights and continually increasing the weights over time.

The Benefits of Focusing on Strength Instead of Weight Loss

Many people get caught up in the number on the scale and forget the amazing benefits of focusing on strength and muscle gain instead of weight loss. By lifting heavy weights and increasing muscle mass, the body’s metabolism can be increased, leading to a higher calorie burn even during rest. Additionally, increasing strength can improve overall physical performance and provide numerous health benefits, such as improved posture and bone density. In the end, the number on the scale should not be the sole measure of success when it comes to physical fitness.


The Reddit user’s journey is a shining example of how lifting heavy weights can dramatically transform a woman’s body. By prioritizing strength and muscle gain over weight loss, she has achieved a toned and sculpted physique that many people would envy. The key takeaway is to focus on the benefits of strength training and not get discouraged if the number on the scale stays the same. With consistency and dedication, anyone can achieve their fitness goals through heavy lifting.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.