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How a Young Woman Lost 32Lbs and Felt Confident in Her Same Prom Dress

F/20/5'6" weight loss journey: From 165lbs to 133lbs. A Reddit user has shared their success story of losing 32lbs and feeling confident wearing the same prom dress.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'6" woman showing a weight cut from 165 pounds to 133 pounds. A net loss of 32 pounds.
F/20/5’6” [165lbs > 133lbs = -32lbs] Me going to prom vs after losing the weight in the same dress. A few years and a lot of hard work made the difference.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


The Reddit community features various inspiring success stories of weight loss. One such story is of a young woman with the username hollyreddits, who shared her journey of losing 32lbs and feeling confident about her body. This article will discuss her weight loss journey and how she transformed her body from 165lbs to 133lbs.

The First Step - Planning and Dieting

As per Holly, she struggled with weight gain during her teenage years, and her peak weight was around 165lbs. However, after realizing that her weight was taking a toll on her life, she decided to take action. One of the initial steps she took was to plan her diet that consisted of calorie counting, meal prepping, and controlled portions. Additionally, she drank lots of water and reduced her sugar and junk food intake.

The Role of Exercise

Holly also took up exercising to complement her healthy eating. She started with walking and gradually progressed to strength training and cardio, which helped her to burn more calories and tone her body. She also took fitness classes, which she found to be motivational and fun.

The Results and Positive Feedback

Holly's positive attitude and hard work paid off as she lost weight, reduced her BMI, and became more confident about her appearance. Moreover, the Reddit community showered her with compliments and positive feedback, which motivated Holly to continue on her path of self-improvement.


Holly's journey of losing 32lbs is a testament to the fact that with the right attitude, planning, and sustainable changes in lifestyle, anyone can attain their desired weight loss goals. Her story also highlights the importance of external support and motivation, such as from the Reddit community. Therefore, if you are struggling to lose weight, take inspiration from Holly's journey and try out some of her tips and tricks for yourself.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.