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Woman's 4 Month Weight Loss Success: 192 to 161 Lbs

Read how one Reddit user lost 31 lbs in 4 months using therapy and Noom app to achieve her weight loss goals.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'3" woman showing a weight cut from 192 pounds to 161 pounds. A net loss of 31 pounds.
F/37/5'3" [192 > 161 = 31 lbs] (4 months) I finally have a waist 🎉
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


One Reddit user's weight loss journey has become an inspiration for many. In a post on the LoseIt subreddit, panic_moonwalk55, a 37-year-old woman, shared her incredible transformation. She managed to lose 31 lbs in just four months, going from 192 to 161 lbs. In her post, she mentioned that therapy gave her the confidence to try to reach her goals, while Noom gave her the tools to be successful.

The Role of Therapy and Noom App

According to panic_moonwalk55, therapy helped her build confidence and self-esteem. It helped her identify her emotional triggers that contributed to her poor eating habits. Additionally, she used the Noom app to track her daily caloric intake and get insights into healthy eating. She appreciated Noom's personalized coaching and psychology-based approach, which helped her establish long-term healthy habits.

Motivation and Progress

panic_moonwalk55's progress pictures showcase her amazing transformation. Her waist now has a defined curve, and her neck looks slimmer, which led to many compliments in the Reddit comment section. Her progress served as motivation for many others. A Reddit user commented, 'I can't wait to lose 30 more pounds and be at this same weight. You look great!'


It's clear that panic_moonwalk55's weight loss success came through a combination of therapy and a personalized weight loss app. However, what worked for her might not be effective for everyone, and it's essential to keep that in mind. Nonetheless, her journey is truly inspiring and highlights the importance of psychological interventions in weight management. Those looking to embark on their own weight loss journey should consider seeking professional guidance and experimenting with various weight loss tools.

Takeaway Message

Panic_moonwalk55's success shows that losing weight is possible with the right attitude, tools, and support. Whether it's therapy or a weight loss app, there are numerous resources available for those looking to lose weight. While no single tool can guarantee success, combining different approaches and staying motivated can make all the difference. So, get inspired, experiment with different approaches, and find the strategy that works best for you!

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.