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From 195Lbs to 156Lbs: a Woman's Lockdown Weight Loss Journey

A woman shares her inspiring journey on how she lost 19lbs during lockdown through yoga, calorie counting, and cutting out alcohol.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'3" female showing a weight loss from 175 pounds to 156 pounds. A respectable loss of 19 pounds.
F/38/5’3 [175lb-156lb=19lb] Lockdowns did a number on my weight, I started in December at 195!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

Lockdowns and Weight Gain

MotherOfPickles112, a 38-year-old woman, shared her weight journey on Reddit, revealing how lockdowns took a toll on her weight. At the start of the year, she weighed 195lbs, but after adjusting her diet and lifestyle, her current weight is 156lbs. Her post garnered 134 positive upvotes and several comments commending her for her achievement.

Calorie Counting and Yoga

MotherOfPickles112 attributed her weight loss success to calorie counting and practicing yoga. She disciplined herself into staying within her calorie count and doing daily yoga to keep herself active and healthy. While it was not easy at first, her determination got her such satisfying results that she continued with it.

Sobriety as a Catalyst

In her Reddit comments, MotherOfPickles112 revealed that cutting out alcohol was a significant factor in her weight loss. Sobriety helped her to detox her body and eliminate unnecessary calories that often comes with alcohol consumption. A month into her sobriety, she saw favorable changes in her body and mood.

An Inspiring Journey for Anyone Struggling with Weight

MotherOfPickles112's weight loss journey is a testament that hard work and consistency can bring about visible and healthy body changes. Although her experience is personal, it should inspire anyone struggling with their weight to take a step, try something new, or strive for a healthy lifestyle.

Final Thoughts

MotherOfPickles112's journey teaches an essential and practical lesson; a healthy lifestyle requires discipline, determination, and patience. Additionally, one can take positive actions amidst negative events to create something transformational. To others struggling with their weight, take a cue from MotherOfPickles112 and try out simple and practical solutions like calorie counting, yoga, and sobriety. You might end up surprising yourself with the results.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.