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From 176Lbs to 117Lbs: a Woman's Remarkable Weight Loss Journey

Read about a woman's inspiring journey from 176lbs to 117lbs in a year and a half, overcoming setbacks to find balance.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'4" female showing a weight reduction from 176 pounds to 117 pounds. A total loss of 59 pounds.
F/28/5'4" [176lbs > 117lbs = 62lbs] (? years) These popped up in fb memories lately, and it seemed like a good time to check in. From 80 to 53kg, some ups and downs, most of it gone in the past year and a half despite winter setbacks. Goal now is to get fit, get trim, and find balance.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


When Facebook memories reminded Reddit user batmirk of her progress from 176lbs to 117lbs, she decided to share her inspiring weight loss journey. Despite some winter setbacks, batmirk managed to lose 62lbs in around a year and a half. Her focus has now shifted to getting fit, getting trim, and finding balance.

Carrying it well

One Reddit user commented that batmirk carried her weight well, but batmirk confessed that she feels much better now. This highlights an important point – it’s not just about how we look, but how we feel. Carrying extra weight can put strain on our bodies and minds, impacting our overall well-being. Batmirk’s transformation has not only changed her appearance, but also her life.

Overcoming setbacks

Batmirk’s journey has not been plain sailing. She faced setbacks during winter, a time of year when many people struggle to maintain their weight loss goals. However, she persevered and made progress. Her story shows that it’s okay to experience setbacks – they don’t mean you’ve failed. The important thing is to pick yourself up and keep going, even if progress is slow.

Setting goals

It’s clear from batmirk’s post that she has set herself goals, which has helped her stay focused and motivated. Setting realistic, achievable goals can be a powerful tool in weight loss journeys. Goals can provide a sense of direction and help break a big task into smaller, manageable steps. Whether it’s aiming for a certain weight or fitting into a particular item of clothing, having a goal in mind can keep you going when the going gets tough.

Finding balance

Batmirk’s ultimate goal now is finding balance. Losing weight is just one part of the puzzle – maintaining a healthy lifestyle is the bigger picture. Finding a balance between healthy eating, exercise and other aspects of life, such as work and socializing, can be challenging. But, as batmirk’s story shows, it’s possible. By making small, sustainable changes and focusing on long-term goals, anyone can achieve a healthy, balanced lifestyle.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.