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Btfcmango's Successful Weight Loss Journey: a Reddit Story

Follow the story of Reddit user BTFCMango's weight loss journey as she successfully sheds pounds using a cutting diet and exercise regimen. Learn how tracking progress and staying motivated can lead to achieving weight loss goals.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'4" female showing a snapshot of 125 pounds at a height of 5'4
A picture of a 5'4" female showing a snapshot of 125 pounds at a height of 5'4
A picture of a 5'4" female showing a snapshot of 125 pounds at a height of 5'4
Completion: Cutting/Female/24/5’4”/125lbs
Originally posted on /r/BTFC


BTFCMango, a female Reddit user at the age of 24, stands at 5'4" tall and weighs 125 pounds. She recently completed her weight loss journey with cutting and a strict fitness regimen, documented on the popular subreddit r/BTFC (Body Transformation Fitness Challenge). Despite facing various challenges, BTFCMango was able to successfully shed the pounds and achieve her goals.

Tracking Progress

Throughout her weight loss journey, BTFCMango was diligent in tracking her progress. She made use of various apps and tools to keep track of her calorie intake, as well as measuring and recording her body weight and measurements. This helped her stay accountable and motivated along the way.

Cutting Diet

One of the key factors in BTFCMango's success was her cutting diet. She focused on consuming high amounts of protein while reducing her carbohydrate and fat intakes. This helped her maintain muscle while shedding fat, resulting in a toned and lean physique.

Exercise Regimen

Alongside her cutting diet, BTFCMango followed a strict exercise regimen. She incorporated a mix of cardio and weightlifting into her routine, gradually increasing the intensity and duration of her workouts as she progressed. This allowed her to burn fat and calories while building strength and endurance.


BTFCMango's weight loss journey serves as an inspiration to anyone looking to shed excess pounds and improve their overall health and fitness. By tracking progress, following a cutting diet, and maintaining an exercise regimen, she was able to achieve her goals despite facing challenges along the way. Whether you're looking to lose weight or simply improve your fitness level, BTFCMango's story offers valuable insights and motivation to try things out for yourself.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.