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Ardic's Weight Loss Journey: a Reddit User's Experience

Follow Ardic's weight loss journey as a 36-year-old male on a cutting phase. Learn about his progress, challenges, and insights in losing weight.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 6'2" male showing a snapshot of 247 pounds at a height of 6'2
A before and after photo of a 6'2" male showing a snapshot of 247 pounds at a height of 6'2
A before and after photo of a 6'2" male showing a snapshot of 247 pounds at a height of 6'2
A before and after photo of a 6'2" male showing a snapshot of 247 pounds at a height of 6'2
Introduction: 36 / M / 6'2" / 247 / Cutting
Originally posted on /r/BTFC


Ardic, a 36-year-old male, stands at 6'2'' and weighed 247 pounds when he started his cutting phase. He shared his weight loss journey on Reddit, where he received support and advice from the community. Ardic's goal is to lose weight and reach his desired physique. Follow his journey to see how he worked towards his goal.


Ardic used a combination of calorie tracking, exercise, and intermittent fasting to achieve his weight loss goals. He aimed for a calorie deficit by tracking his meals with an app and making healthier food choices. Ardic also incorporated strength training and cardio into his routine four to five times a week. Additionally, he practiced intermittent fasting by eating within an 8-hour window and fasting for 16 hours.


Through his diligence, Ardic saw measurable progress in his weight loss journey. In just over a month, he lost 10 pounds and reduced his body fat percentage from 25.6% to 23.7%. He also noticed improvements in his strength and stamina during workouts. Furthermore, he learned not to be too hard on himself if he indulged in high-calorie foods, as long as he stayed on track with his goals overall.


Ardic faced challenges along the way, ranging from dealing with hunger during fasting periods to staying motivated to work out regularly. However, he sought advice from the Reddit community to help him overcome these hurdles. Through the support of others and his own commitment, Ardic was able to stay on track despite setbacks.


Ardic's weight loss journey demonstrates the power of combining healthy eating, exercise, and intermittent fasting to achieve weight loss goals. By tracking his progress, focusing on healthy behaviors, and seeking support from the community, Ardic was able to lose weight and improve his overall health. His story is a reminder that anyone can make changes to their lifestyle to achieve their desired physique, and that small actions taken consistently over time can lead to significant results.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.