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Jonnyunited’s Weight Loss Journey: Shedding the Last Few Pounds

Follow Jonnyunited’s journey in losing weight and shedding the last few pounds. Learn about his experiences and tips he discovered throughout his weight loss journey.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 6'1" man showing a snapshot of 186 pounds at a height of 6'1
A progress pic of a 6'1" man showing a snapshot of 186 pounds at a height of 6'1
A progress pic of a 6'1" man showing a snapshot of 186 pounds at a height of 6'1
A progress pic of a 6'1" man showing a snapshot of 186 pounds at a height of 6'1
Introduction: 31 / M / 6'1" / 186lbs / Last Few Pounds
Originally posted on /r/BTFC


Meet Jonnyunited, a 31-year-old male who stands at 6 feet and 1 inch tall. In his introductory post on Reddit, he weighed in at 186 pounds and was looking to lose the last few pounds to reach his goal weight. As his post gained traction, he shared his weight loss journey, including his struggles and breakthroughs.

The Journey

Jonnyunited shared that he started his weight loss journey by tracking his calories and macronutrients. He also cut out sugar and processed foods, replacing them with healthy and filling whole foods like lean protein, vegetables, and fruits. Additionally, he incorporated strength training and cardio into his routine.

The Struggles

Despite his efforts, Jonnyunited faced challenges during his journey. He shared that he struggled with binge eating and overeating on the weekends. Nonetheless, he remained committed and found ways to overcome his obstacles, including seeking support when he needed it.

The Breakthroughs

Throughout his journey, Jonnyunited discovered what worked for him. He found that tracking his food intake and exercise was crucial to his success. He also learned that planning and meal prepping helped him stay on track. By implementing these strategies, he was able to shed the last few pounds and achieve his goal weight.


Jonnyunited’s weight loss journey is a testament to what is possible with determination and commitment. He hopes that by sharing his experiences, he can inspire and empower others to embark on their own weight loss journeys. If you’re looking to lose weight, consider trying some of the strategies Jonnyunited used and find what works for you.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.