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One Man's Journey to Lower Body Fat Using Structure and Tracking

Read about the weight loss and fitness journey of a Reddit user who used meticulous tracking and structure to achieve a 7.86% body fat percentage in just 4 weeks.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'11" male showing a snapshot of 172 pounds at a height of 5'11
Update: 35/M/5'11"/172 lbs. (4 weeks - 7.86% body fat)
Originally posted on /r/BTFC

Understanding the Importance of Structure

The Reddit user "solidus-flux" lost 7.86% body fat in just four weeks using a structured approach to tracking his progress. The user argues that having specific, measurable goals and breaking them down into concrete steps that can be tracked is essential to achieving success in weight loss and fitness.

The Power of Tracking

In his Reddit post, solidus-flux emphasizes the importance of meticulous tracking. He used a combination of spreadsheets and photos to methodically log his weight, body fat percentage, and other critical measurements. By tracking his progress in this way, he was able to identify patterns and adjust his diet and fitness routine accordingly.

Motivation and Accountability

Solidus-flux describes how tracking and structuring his weight loss journey kept him motivated and accountable. Seeing tangible progress on spreadsheets and in photographs helped him stay on track and avoid the temptation to slip back into unhealthy habits.

Simplifying the Process

While solidus-flux's approach may seem extreme to some, he argues that any level of structure and tracking can be beneficial. For instance, setting a goal to eat a certain number of calories or meals per day can be a good starting point for those looking to gain weight. Measuring weight daily can serve as a simple but effective way to track progress.

Takeaways for Others

Solidus-flux's weight loss journey offers valuable insights for anyone looking to get fit and lose weight. By breaking down goals into specific, measurable steps, tracking progress, and staying motivated through accountability practices, anyone can achieve success. While not everyone needs to be as rigorous as solidus-flux, the takeaway is clear: structure and tracking can help anyone reach their fitness goals.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.