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A Reddit User's 2 Week Weight Loss Journey: 6Lbs in 23/F/5'6"

Follow a 23-year-old female Reddit user's weight loss journey as she loses 6lbs in 2 weeks.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'6" female showing a snapshot of 180 pounds at a height of 5'6
A picture of a 5'6" female showing a snapshot of 180 pounds at a height of 5'6
A picture of a 5'6" female showing a snapshot of 180 pounds at a height of 5'6
A picture of a 5'6" female showing a snapshot of 180 pounds at a height of 5'6
2 Week Progress 23/F/5'6" 180lbs (-6lbs)
Originally posted on /r/BTFC


Losing weight can be a challenging journey, and it helps to have some inspiration. That's where Reddit user tunaanut comes in. This 23-year-old female Redditor has shared her two-week weight loss journey with the world, and it's an inspiring read for anyone looking to shed some pounds.

Starting Weight

Tunaanut began her journey at 180lbs, and while that may not be considered obese, it was a weight that she wasn't comfortable with. She decided to make a change and committed to keeping track of her progress on Reddit, sharing photos and updates along the way.

Diet and Exercise

The key to Tunaanut's success was a combination of diet and exercise. She cut out junk food and started eating healthier meals, including plenty of fruits and vegetables. She also made a commitment to exercising regularly and incorporated activities like running, cycling, and weight training into her routine. Tunaanut also ensured she was getting enough sleep and staying hydrated.


After only two weeks, Tunaanut saw impressive results. She had lost 6lbs, and although it may seem like a small amount, it was a significant achievement for her. She noticed that she had more energy, slept better, and felt more confident about her body. Tunaanut remains committed to her weight loss journey and continues to share her progress on Reddit.


Tunaanut's weight loss journey is a reminder that losing weight takes commitment, dedication, and hard work. However, it's also something that anyone can achieve with the right mindset, tools, and support. Whether you're looking to lose a few pounds or make a significant change, it's essential to stay motivated and celebrate small successes along the way. Consider incorporating a healthy diet, regular exercise, and ample sleep into your routine, and remember that every little bit counts!

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.