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A Journey Toward Aesthetic Preferences: an Inspiring Reddit Weight Loss Story

Get inspired by OooPieceofCandy's three-year weight loss journey, from 150lbs to 181lbs with 10% body fat.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'8" man showing a muscle gain from 150 pounds to 181 pounds. A net gain of 31 pounds.
M/23/5'8" [150lbs > 181lbs = 31lbs] Unsure about before weight. Mid cut and found one of my old tanks.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


OooPieceofCandy shared their inspiring story on Reddit of losing 31 pounds over three years, and reaching 10% body fat. Their aesthetic preference would be 6% body fat, attainable through the right diet and cardio.

Cut And Bulk Cycles

OooPieceofCandy employed five or six cut and bulk cycles for their weight loss journey. They started with a hard cut when weighing 195lbs at a height of 5'8. The Reddit user of OooPieceofCandy dropped 15-20 pounds after a normal cut as they endeavored towards their aesthetic goal.

Diet And Nutrition

A clean diet and the right nutrition were essential in OooPieceofCandy's weight loss journey. They suggested maintaining the cut if you want to be summer-ready and starting to bulk in the fall. Having a flat stomach is a solid base for bulking, for which 4 more pounds of weight loss may be optimal.

Reddit commentary

OooPieceofCandy's inspiring journey has attracted positive comments from Reddit users, which further boosts their confidence in their aesthetic preference. A long-time part of their journey is now complete, and they are looking forward to the next phase.


OooPieceofCandy's journey serves as an inspiration to anyone wanting to adopt a healthier lifestyle. Hard work, dedication, and the right routine can bring significant results. However, it is important to note that everyone has their preferences and limitations, so we need to find what works best for us.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.