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A Teenager’s Weight Loss Journey with 1200 Calorie Diet

This article follows a Reddit user’s success in losing 15 pounds in 1.5 months through a 1200 calorie diet. Learn about her journey and weight loss tips.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'5" woman showing a fat loss from 154 pounds to 139 pounds. A net loss of 15 pounds.
F/17/5'5" [154lbs > 139lbs = 15lbs] (1.5 months) Not much of a difference, but definitely a start...
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Obesity is a serious health issue affecting millions of people worldwide. Fortunately, social media platforms offer an avenue for individuals to support each other in their journey towards a healthier life. In this article, we will share one person's weight loss journey through Reddit whose progress in losing 15 pounds in 1.5 months is both inspiring and informative.

A 1200 Calorie Diet and No Exercises

At the age of 17, Reddit user sslloorree began her weight loss journey by following a 1200 calorie diet. She successfully managed to lose 2.14 pounds weekly without any formal exercise routine or gym membership. Her secret was a consistent 1200 calorie intake every day and substantial water consumption.

Positive Validation on Social Media

When sslloorree posted her before and after photos on Reddit, she got more than 300 upvotes and a lot of positive feedback. Other users admired and congratulated her for her accomplishment. Everyone encouraged her to pursue her goal and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

The Importance of a Healthy BMI

ProgressPicsBot, a bot on Reddit's transformation forum, noted that sslloorree's BMI was at 23.1, in the healthy range for her height and weight. This data highlights the significance of keeping track of one's BMI to maintain optimal health. It also reminds anyone looking to lose weight that it's essential to consult a doctor for recommendations and advice.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, social media platforms can have a positive impact on individuals' weight loss journeys by providing support and motivation. Through a consistent 1200 calorie diet and water intake, sslloorree lost 15 pounds in 1.5 months without excessive workouts. Her photos show that her weight loss was effortless and resulted in a significant physical transformation. However, it's crucial to note that each person's body adapts differently, and consulting a medical professional is necessary before going on any weight loss journey. Find a healthy diet that works for you, stay hydrated, and be consistent to reach your weight goals successfully.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.