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Weight Loss Journey of a Reddit User: From 317 Lbs to 216 Lbs

Read the journey of a Reddit user who went from 317 lbs to 216 lbs. Discover the tips and tricks that helped her achieve her goals.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'7" female showing a muscle gain from 160 pounds to 170 pounds. A respectable gain of 10 pounds.
A before and after photo of a 5'7" female showing a muscle gain from 160 pounds to 170 pounds. A respectable gain of 10 pounds.
A before and after photo of a 5'7" female showing a muscle gain from 160 pounds to 170 pounds. A respectable gain of 10 pounds.
A before and after photo of a 5'7" female showing a muscle gain from 160 pounds to 170 pounds. A respectable gain of 10 pounds.
A before and after photo of a 5'7" female showing a muscle gain from 160 pounds to 170 pounds. A respectable gain of 10 pounds.
F/29/5'7.25" Hw: 317, sw: 257, cw: 216, gw: 160-170. Lost the weight I gained over the holidays and have now lost 101lbs since my highest weight and 41lbs since trying to lose weight in August!
Originally posted on /r/loseit


A Reddit user by the username of adip0sey has shared her inspiring weight loss journey on the platform. The user started at a weight of 317 lbs with a goal weight of 160-170 lbs. Since taking the initiative to lose weight in August, she has lost a total of 101 lbs.

The User's Tips for Weight Loss

The Reddit user shared several tips that helped her lose weight through her journey. She emphasizes the importance of drinking plenty of water, preparing fruits and vegetables, planning meals ahead of time, measuring portions, and using smaller plates and bowls. Additionally, the user recommends being compassionate towards oneself and setting small goals.

Addressing PCOS

Adip0sey, who suffers from polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), views it as an obstacle to weight loss but tries not to let it define her. She recommends seeking treatment and not using it as a crutch. The user also talks about her experiences with Diane-35, a birth control pill that aims to help with PCOS symptoms. However, its results were lackluster, and the user plans on switching soon.

Gym and Exercise

The Reddit user admits she isn't a gym-goer but has plans to join with her boyfriend. She talks about her experience with yoga, where she felt embarrassed due to her weight. However, she encourages others not to pay attention to judgments and focus on themselves.


While adip0sey's journey wasn't easy, it serves as a great inspiration for those wanting to embark on their own weight loss journey. By sticking to her healthy lifestyle changes, counting calories, and setting small goals, she was able to lose a significant amount of weight. The Reddit user's tips on weight loss, compassion, and perseverance are an excellent guide to any individual seeking a more healthy life.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.